Passport & Visa Photo Services

Chinese Visa Photo Assistance

If you’re having trouble with your visa photo for your China Visa Application Form, just take a selfie and upload it on this page. We’ll edit the photo and email the digital photo back to you, ready for upload.  You can also use our Visa photo tutorial  on youtube. 

China visa photo guideline
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Who is the person in the photo?
*for receiving the edited photo
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
If your file is too large to upload, take a screenshot on your phone or computer and upload the screenshot instead. This will resolve the file size issue.

Digital Photo Tips

• Do not wear glasses or headgear.
• Keep your forehead visible and not blocked by bangs.
• Maintain a neutral expression with your mouth closed.
• Front view, cannot be side angled view
• Supported digital photo formats: JPG, JPEG, HEIC
• Photo size for uploading should be less than 3MP

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