Visa application and document authentication service instructions.

Operation and hours

Due to limited resources and the impact of COVID-19,   we are now working mainly remotely.  The Chinese Embassy is not open to the public yet, but we are still able to schedule appointments and process applications with the Chinese Embassy.  We no longer provide Walk-in services.   Appointment will be needed for documents drop-off / pick, and passport / visa photo services.

Chinese Visa Application

Currently we can only process Chinese Visa Application for Employment (Z), Crew(C), Business(M) (with official PU letter), Special Talent (R),  and Humanitarian purposes.   If you wish to process a visa application with our office, please first email us a scan copy of your PU letter / Employment Notification Letter.  We will review and provide further instructions after verifying your eligibility to apply.


We only process visa applications for applicants who live (or work) within the following states: Washington DC, Delaware, Idaho, Kentucky, Maryland, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina,  North Dakota,  South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Document authentications

For document authentication services, please email us your document need to be processed.  We will check and get back to  you within 24 hours.    Currently the processing time for US Dept of State authentication is about 4 weeks, and 1-2 weeks for the Chinese Embassy’s authentication.  We may process documents for all 50 states, and Hague Apostille services for other countries are also available.

Frequently Answered Answers:

Family visa and tourism visa are not currently available.   We don’t know when it will be available.

Previously  issued 10 years visas are still suspended.    We don’t know when the suspension may get lifted.






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