
All 10 years visas are reinstated, th contents of this page no longer applies.

因10年签证已经恢复, 该页面内容不再适用。

根据使馆发言人的记者问答公告, 我们对于相关信息做出以下的解读:

对于之前曾经办理过十年有效的、探亲或者商务签证的申请人, 有两个选择:
For applicants who have obtained a ten-year visa that is still valid, there are two options:

选择 1 :您可以 办理免除$140使馆申请费的、六个月有效的、两次入境探亲(或商务)签证。 您之前颁发的10年签证不被取消, 日后激活后可以继续使用。
Option 1: You can apply for a new six-month, two-entry family visit (or business) visa that waives the $140 embassy application fee.  Your previously issued 10-year visa will not be cancelled, and can continue to be used after activation in the future.

选择2:    您可以办理新的10年有效、多次往返的探亲(或商务)签证;使馆收取$140的申请费, 您之前颁发的10年签证会被取消。
Option 2: You can apply for a new 10-year valid, multiple-entry visit visa; the embassy charges an application fee of $140, and your previously issued 10-year visa will be cancelled.

如果您持有的是L字的旅游签证, 您不符合选择1的要求。

Option 1 doesn’t apply to Tourism Visa holders.

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